MeMeteo is your weather forecast expert and everyday weather helper.
Accurate right to your house. Anywhere in the world. Wherever you are, you will always know what's happening outside the window. Powered by ECMWF forecast model.
Bad weather won't take you by surprise anymore. The map in the application allows you to monitor the movement of precipitation in real time. Be aware of upcoming rain.
A detailed weather forecast for every city with data such as air temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind direction, etc., and a 7-day forecast for the whole week.
Setup the location, transparency and day / night mode.
Check the impact of the storm 3 days ahead.
UV index will help you protect yourself from UV radiation.
*** AQI - Air Quality Index ***
Get to know how polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become.
- Rain radar
- Monthly forecast
- Sunset and Sunrise time
- Air humidity
- Temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit
- Wind speed in m/s, mph and kph
- Thematic backgrounds
- 30-day weather forecast
- Atmospheric pressure
- Month summary
In this release, we have fixed several issues that were causing the app to crash or freeze, resulting in a smoother and more reliable experience for our users. We have also addressed a number of bugs that were affecting the app's performance, such as slow load times, misaligned text, and other visual glitches.
In this release, we have fixed several issues that were causing the app to crash or freeze, resulting in a smoother and more reliable experience for our users. We have also addressed a number of bugs that were affecting the app's performance, such as slow load times, misaligned text, and other visual glitches.
In this release, we have fixed several issues that were causing the app to crash or freeze, resulting in a smoother and more reliable experience for our users. We have also addressed a number of bugs that were affecting the app's performance, such as slow load times, misaligned text, and other visual glitches.
In this release, we have fixed several issues that were causing the app to crash or freeze, resulting in a smoother and more reliable experience for our users. We have also addressed a number of bugs that were affecting the app's performance, such as slow load times, misaligned text, and other visual glitches.
101 (3.6.2)_push_test
What's improved:
And the information about precipitation on the map is also more accurate.
You'll always know when to grab an umbrella
Referral program is here!
Invite friends to Memeteo and get free access to all features.
Go to the sidebar, choose "get free access" and follow the instructions.
What's improved:
And the information about precipitation on the map is also more accurate.
You'll always know when to grab an umbrella
Referral program is here!
Invite friends to Memeteo and get free access to all features.
Go to the sidebar, choose "get free access" and follow the instructions.
What's improved:
And the information about precipitation on the map is also more accurate.
You'll always know when to grab an umbrella